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Elderly Care 


Aging is an inevitable part of life. As the years go by, many elderly people suffer from chronic illness and functional decline, and going to and from the hospital has become a part of their lives. Generally, the elderly hope to live in a familiar environment without long-term hospitalization or nursing homes due to care problems. Therefore, the demand for home care services for the elderly is increasing.


Hong Kong is faced with an aging population challenge.  Nearly every family has elderly parents or grandparents who need support at home or extra care when they are in hospital.  It is common that elderly have chronic illnesses which require long term care.  Elderly prefer to grow old in their own home, where they feel warm and safe. At home they are close to their beloved family and belongings.  They want to continue their lifestyle as long as possible despite their illness.   Elderly care services are in big demand.  Supreme Care provides bespoke and professional elderly care services to support elderly living in the community and also help family who are in need.  Supreme Care provides a wide range of elderly care services which include nursing care, rehabilitation and caregiver training.

If elderly suffer from an acute episode of illness, their general condition would deteriorate.  If they were admitted into hospital, they would further decondition in their mobility, cognition and independence.  When they are ready to be discharged from hospital, the challenges of returning home are big and multiple.  Supreme Care’s elderly care services can support the elderly by providing elderly care health assistants in personal care and activities of daily living, like walking, transfer, going to the toilet, shower, feeding, getting dressed, taking medication etc.  Some elderly may need a higher level of elderly care services like wound care, nasogastric tube feeding, urinary catheter care, stoma care, medication injection, drainage catheter care, percutaneous endoscopic gastronomy feeding, suction, chest physiotherapy, vital sign monitoring, pain management, health education and medical escort.  Supreme Care’s elderly care services will match the elderly care needs with suitable nurses.  We will send experienced nurses to care for the elderly.  Our elderly care services include post-operation care, post stroke care, dementia care, Parkinson disease care, diabetic care, cancer care and palliative care.


Moreover, our elderly care Hong Kong also cover home rehabilitation which include assessment, mobilization and stretching, joint pain management, chest physiotherapy, lymphedema decongestive therapy, fall prevention, memory training, cognitive behavioural training, activity of daily living training, dietetic consultation, home environment assessment and safety improvement.


We have a comprehensive team of healthcare experts in elderly care Hong Kong.  Our team consists of registered nurses, enrolled nurses, health workers, personal care workers, care related support workers, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapy assistants, occupational therapy assistants, dietitians, speech therapists, clinical psychologists, aromatherapists, massage therapists, yoga therapists, hospital/clinic follow up escorts.  They are all experienced and devoted to elderly care services.  Professional, respect, caring, bespoke, quality and safety are our values of elderly care.

  • Registered Nurses

  • Enrolled Nurses

  • Health Workers

  • Personal Care Workers

  • Occupational Therapist

  • Occupational Therapy Assistants

  • Physiotherapists

  • Physiotherapy Assistants

  • Dietitians

  • Medical Escort Service


“公司同事中差不多每個家庭都有年老的父母或親友,有時我們也交換吓長者照顧的心得和健康貼士。她們有提過看家怡康Facebook, 我有空時都會上去望吓。我發現九十幾歲的爺爺雙腳無力行動出現問題,姑姐怕爺爺在家無人照顧他,我就叫姑姐找家怡康傾吓長者家居照顧服務,傾完後知道要請上門起居照顧員照顧爺爺。姑姐很滿意我的介紹,也稱讚家怡康的服務態度及對長者照顧服務的耐心講解。 "


"我媽媽不幸在家中滑倒,引至大腿髖關節骨折,在醫院做完手術後出院。爸爸年紀大,家中外傭又不懂得照顧媽媽。我很幸運得到好朋友的介紹聯絡了家怡康,他們提供長者照顧服務,媽媽回家後有上門保健員幫忙扶抱媽媽上廁所,冲涼,做運動,又加派了物理治療師上門幫媽媽做復康治療。我認為居家長者照顧是很重要,媽媽的身體和行動能力復原得很快。她很滿意上門治療師及保健員並讚揚他們細心和專業,我現在可以帶爸媽去飲茶了!多謝家怡康的長者家居照顧服務! "


Frequently asked questions


1. I don’t really know what kind of elderly care is needed to take care of my sick family member, can Supreme Care give us advice?

Supreme Care’s elderly care Hong Kong listens to our clients, understand their case history, and then discuss with our clients what their care needs are.  We will match their care needs with the skills and experiences of our healthcare professionals, and then recommend the type of services and the relevant healthcare persons who will deliver it.  Each case is unique, therefore our care plan is individualized and bespoke.


2. How do you charge for your elderly care service?

Supreme Care’s elderly care Hong Kong‘s service fee is based on the individual client’s medical condition, the complexity of care required, the type of professional input, the duration of care, the time when services are provided, and the level of client’s home support.  We need to discuss with our client to assess their needs before making proposal and quoting prices.


3. Can I select my nurses and therapists?

You are an important member of the caring team and you do have the right to choose your team members.  We will introduce the healthcare personnels to you before we start delivering service.  Your input is valued and respected in the selection of your healthcare professionals and assistants.


4. How do I get Supreme Care’s elderly care Hong Kong service?

You may call Supreme Care’s at 28383913 or whatsapp us at 93808873.   You may also email us at

Our elderly care team will contact you and arrange the suitable elderly care services for you.

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