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Medical Escort Care


Supreme Care is a home care service company that provides home rehabilitation and nursing care services.  Our professional team supports the sick and elderly to continue to enjoy a high-quality of life in the community.  We also help to reduce the pressure of caring them at home by their families.

Supreme Care provides training to caregivers, as well as medical appointment escort service for sick and elderly who are living at home. Our healthcare escorts are professional and well trained. They are familiar with hospital and clinic’s patient schedules. They can take care of patients, let patient feel safe and comfortable during their medical consultation and treatment, and during transit.

Provide tailor-made private care services for your most important family members

We are able to meet the expectations of the family, the needs of the elderly. We believe that every family situation is unique, so we value and listen to family members. Therefore, we will provide personalized professional nursing services according to the conditions of each sick elder and his family. Our home care services are comprehensive, from short-term accompanying and inpatient and discharge care, to long-term physical care, drug management, nutritional diet and monitoring of vital signs, etc., our medical teams will also use the most serious in their respective fields Attitude, to provide your family with medical and spiritual assistance, to make their later life more comfortable and happy.

爱心的泰迪 Teddy Bear


“本身我們使用其他的護理公司,但因為服務質素一般般而且不穩定,經朋友介紹下,我們找到家怡康。他們為母親製訂了一套護理計劃,整套服務除了有護士,也有物理治療師及職業治療師,而日常生活的護理則有起居照顧員負責。在他們整個團隊的護理下,家母的情況很快便好轉,首先情緒上因為醫護人員細心的照顧與陪伴,家母心情開朗了,身體機能亦慢慢的提升,因卧床導致腰腳無力的情況亦逐漸改善。經過這次之後,我們深深明白找一家信譽良好的護理公司是非常重要的。再一次感謝家怡康的所有前線醫療人員及後勤支援,對母親的關懷及護理。   "


"母親在一次意外跌倒後入了醫院,經手術後病情穩定後就被安排出院。我們在出院護理方面完全沒有經驗,令母親在家中因卧床太耐引致出現壓瘡。令家人們更加的手忙腳亂,在醫護朋友的介紹下,我們找了家怡康幫忙。家怡康很快便派了護士上門,為母親洗傷口,他們的護士十分細心,替我們準備了各種洗傷口用品,而且還教了我們應該怎樣去照顧出院的母親,及怎樣處理傷口。我們跟隨護士的教學為母親進行護理,很快母親的痊癒了,我們十分感激家怡康提供非常高質素的護士。 "


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