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Supreme Care is a home care service company that provides home rehabilitation and physiotherapy services. Our professional team supports the sick and elderly to continue enjoying a high-quality life in the community. We help reduce the pressure of caring for them at home by their families. 

Our home rehabilitation, home physiotherapy and occupational therapy services include assessment, mobility and balance strengthening, home environmental safety improvement, and training for caregivers.  In addition, we offer medical appointment escort service for the sick and elderly living at home.   Our healthcare escorts are professional, well trained, and familiar with the patient schedules of hospitals and clinics. They can take care of patients and make patients feel safe and comfortable during their medical consultation, treatment and transit.  

We Have a Comprehensive Team of Outreach Rehabilitation Experts

Supreme Care offers professional outreach rehabilitation services for the elderly and patients, allowing them to stay in the comfort of home while receiving high quality care. Our team of healthcare professionals includes physiotherapists, occupational therapists and dietitians, providing overall assessment, occupational therapy, physiotherapy and nutrition counseling. For clients suffering from chronic illnesses such as general frailty, dementia, Parkinson's disease, lung disease, heart disease and diabetes, we can provide continuous support to long term care at home. We aim to increase their mobility and quality of life while reducing the risk of fall, infections and pressure sores.


Our successful outreach rehabilitation and physiotherapy cases have seen improvement in the health of the elderly at home. We provide regular health reports to the clients’ families, listen to their feedback, and propose a care plan that matches their needs. In addition to sending in our team of health experts, we support our clients by providing professional advice on home environmental safety, medical advice and the use of rehabilitation devices. 


“爸爸在醫院卧床好多日,終於可以出院回家。但由於卧床太耐導致出院後行路都差左好多,双脚冇力。我好怕佢跌倒,醫生便轉介佢去家怡康的上門物理治療復康。家怡康服務人員很快安排治療師,物理治療師亦十分耐心地同家人及爸爸講解治療的方法。爸爸復康的進度良好,我們很感激家怡康的服務。   "


"爸爸患有腦退化症,記憶漸差,以前能做的事情現在已很困難,也常常懷疑家傭,經常發脾氣。家怡康提供上門復康服務的治療師很有耐心和專業,上門照顧爸爸,提供認知行為治療,爸爸的情緒平靜了,和我們溝通也有改善。治療師還教了我們很多認知障礙的照顧方法和了解患者的需要,因此家居照顧對爸爸是很重要的。我和家人的壓力都減少很多。 "


Frequently Asked Questions - Home Rehabilitation Services


1. I don’t really know what type of Home Rehabilitation services is needed to take care of my sick family member; can Supreme Care give us advice?

We listen to our clients, understand their case history, and then discuss their care needs with them.  We will match their care needs with the skills and experiences of our healthcare professionals and recommend the type of home rehabilitation or physiotherapy services and healthcare experts to deliver it. Each case is unique; therefore, our care plan is individualized and bespoke.


2. How do you charge for your Home Rehabilitation services?

Supreme Care’s Home Rehabilitation service fee is based on each client’s medical condition, the complexity of care required, the type of professional input, the duration of care, the time when services are provided, and the level of client’s home support. We need to discuss with our clients to assess their needs before making proposals and quoting prices.


3. Can I select my nurses and therapists?

You are an important member of our caring team and have the right to choose your team members. We will introduce the healthcare personnel to you before delivering the service. Your input is valued and respected when selecting your healthcare professionals and assistants.


4. How do I get Supreme Care’s  Home Rehabilitation services?

You may call Supreme Care’s  Home Rehabilitation services Hong Kong at 2838-3913 or WhatsApp us at 9380-8873. You may also email us at

Our team will contact you and arrange a suitable home care service for you.

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